Demon Fang!

Posted: March 23, 2012 by ShadowSnake in Import, Pit, ShadowSnake

Yes he is finally released, the long awaited Lloyd Irving v2 import over Pit. I can’t believe i finished him today, but i did. Finally i can move onto another import and await RoyalBlade’s upcoming PSA for this. This version exceeds v1 by over 9000 several standards.

Whats new in v2:

  • final smash eyes
  • perfect metal
  • beast over the shield
  • facial expressions (blink, ouch, blink half, anger, talk, etc)
  • amazingly better rig
  • fingers are rigged
  • swords come out when he slashes (mostly for PSA use)
  • now has sheathes
  • holes on waist and boots are now patched up
  • scarf thing shows on both sides
  • new swords (Flamberge and Vorpal)
  • more swag

Like last time he comes with three epic textures, the original one, the brawl styled one from the wolf import, and ItalianStallion’s HD texture. The shader is still nulled because manually editing the UV’s didnt work out so well (around 10 face polygons = no bueno). But the nulled shader fit’s Tales Of Symphonia’s graphic style so it doesnt really matter otherwise. 😛


Lloyd over Wolf’s brawl style texture:

Original texture from Tales Of Symphonia II:


ItalianStallion – HD Texture
Ninka_Kiwi – parts of the original rig
Lloyd Wolf team – brawl styled Lloyd’s texture


i sunk my heart and soul into this import and it was a hassle, hope everyone enjoys.

– ShadowSnake

  1. Nanobuds says:

    I have no idea who Lloyd is, but great rig!!! Great improvement from last time. He has my download.

  2. AnonymousUserMuch says:

    I love you! 😀

  3. gigaman91 says:

    Yay! Lloyd Irving! Awesome job on this, seriously.

    Oh, and Nanobuds, I highly recommend you play Tales of Symphonia (GameCube). It is a wonderful action RPG experience.

  4. Royal_Blade says:

    Damn school…

    I’ve been so busy that I actually missed this!

    Anyways, It looks great! I can’t wait to work with him!

    • Royal_Blade says:

      Also, could you include a .pcs?

      On my Wii, .pac only works for Subspace while .pcs works for Multiplayer.

      That’d be nice.

  5. jokekid says:

    i gotta say that his swords look awefull, and this is not aimed to you, nano, but to the creator of the models…
    seriously, i just find his swords ugly…

    rig seems to look neat, so nice job on your part ^^

  6. Royal_Blade says:

    @jokekid:The swords were made for the Lloyd Import waaay before it was possible to import the models the way we do today…

    @Nanobuds: What gigaman91 said, it is a very good game. Actually rated one of the best in the whole Tales of series.

  7. Wave says:

    Kratos: Double Demon Fang!

    Get yo ass whooped. D<

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